The Austroads Guide to Road Safety Part 2: Safe Roads (AGRS Part 2) and Guide to Road Safety Part 7: Road Safety Strategy and Management (AGRS Part 7) have recently been updated.
AGRS Part 2 is designed to provide all levels of government across Australia and New Zealand with information on the role infrastructure plays in the Safe System. AGRS Part 2 presents guidance on the selection and implementation of infrastructure treatments to reduce road trauma and deliver a zero-harm future. These guidelines cover network risk assessment techniques and present a suite of infrastructure interventions (proven and emerging) that can be implemented to address the key road safety issues on our road networks: high-speed lane departures, intersections, and vulnerable road users. Interventions are categorised using a treatment hierarchy approach aligned with Safe System principles. The Guide contains practical, hands-on advice to help practitioners identify, prioritise, and deliver infrastructure interventions that are aligned with Safe System principles and the contemporary Zero Planning approach to road safety.
The AGRS Part 7 was expanded to include other network-wide concepts and processes, such as Network Safety Planning, Future State Modelling (backcasting) and Movement and Place Frameworks. It also identifies how the different parts/pillars of the Austroads Guide to Road Safety can be used to develop solutions that work towards network aspirations and significantly reduce serious road trauma.
This webinar will outline the key changes to AGRS Part 2 and AGRS Part 7. The content will include examples from both guides that demonstrate how the updated guidance would be practically interpreted by practitioners to deliver treatment outcomes that are more aligned with the Safe System approach.
There will be question and answer opportunities during the session.
The webinar will be presented by Hafez Alavi and Paul Durdin, moderated by Marc Desmond.
Hafez Alavi is the Principal and Transport Lead at HA Consulting. He has over 20 years of experience in the fields of road safety, injury prevention research, transport planning and sustainable mobility in the public/private sectors and the academia. His vision is an inclusive future where every journey is safe and sustainable.
Paul Durdin is a Technical Director and an Executive Board member of Abley Limited. He has 23 years’ experience in the field of traffic engineering and transportation planning where he has worked exclusively as a consultant in both New Zealand and Australia.
Marc Desmond is a Safe System Manager for Safer Roads at Transport for NSW. Marc has around 15 years experience in traffic and transport engineering and development assessment and more recently in the Safe Systems space aligned to the Safe Roads and Safe Speeds pillar.
No charge but registration is essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording.